This is a simple SQL script to check for all sessions describing whats going on in the database.
set pages 300
set lines 300
col OSUSER format a30
col SCHEMANAME format a25
col USERNAME format a25
col PROGRAM format a20
col COMMAND format a50
osuser, schemaname,
substr(s.username,1,18) username,
substr(s.program,1,15) program,
0,'No Command',
1,'Create Table',
9,'Create Index',
15,'Alter Table',
21,'Create View',
23,'Validate Index',
35,'Alter Database',
39,'Create Tablespace',
41,'Drop Tablespace',
40,'Alter Tablespace',
53,'Drop User',
62,'Analyze Table',
63,'Analyze Index',
s.command||': Other') command
v$session s,
v$process p,
v$transaction t,
v$rollstat r,
v$rollname n
where s.paddr = p.addr
and s.taddr = t.addr (+)
and t.xidusn = r.usn (+)
and r.usn = n.usn (+)
and s.schemaname not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
order by 1
set lines 300
col OSUSER format a30
col SCHEMANAME format a25
col USERNAME format a25
col PROGRAM format a20
col COMMAND format a50
osuser, schemaname,
substr(s.username,1,18) username,
substr(s.program,1,15) program,
0,'No Command',
1,'Create Table',
9,'Create Index',
15,'Alter Table',
21,'Create View',
23,'Validate Index',
35,'Alter Database',
39,'Create Tablespace',
41,'Drop Tablespace',
40,'Alter Tablespace',
53,'Drop User',
62,'Analyze Table',
63,'Analyze Index',
s.command||': Other') command
v$session s,
v$process p,
v$transaction t,
v$rollstat r,
v$rollname n
where s.paddr = p.addr
and s.taddr = t.addr (+)
and t.xidusn = r.usn (+)
and r.usn = n.usn (+)
and s.schemaname not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
order by 1
Example o/p:
-------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- ---------------
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe Select
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe Select
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
oracle DBSNMP DBSNMP emagent@uxsserv No Command
-------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- ---------------
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe Select
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe Select
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
Info_USer INFO_TNJ INFO_TNJ pmrepagent.exe No Command
oracle DBSNMP DBSNMP emagent@uxsserv No Command
18 rows selected.